A friend does not judge Are around even when they don't want to hear it anymore Provide a shoulder to cry on when one says they are not going to cry Encourages you to get yourself together and stand strong
They do not tell you it will get better, hang in there, others have it rougher than you There is no judgement ever on mistakes you continue to make If you are getting down trodden they are there to pick you up When you are being attacked a friend defends your honor
When the chips are down and all you do is cry That friend doesn't care, but lifting your spirits becomes priority If they are true they tell you what is so amazing about you They respect boundaries and offlimit conversations
when you are about to truly mess up It isn't told to the whole world You receive a short note telling you to get your head out of your @## Explaining why they say such a thing
A friend does not take advantage of your feelings You do not have to worry about gossip because it won't show up There is always a mass amount of comfort offered Causing you to feel safe even when your world is imploding
Most of all they ask nothing in return They give from their heart and soul to help you make it Trying to teach you new ways to cope and that there is more to life than whatever is bringing you down When doing all this they never make you feel like you are a charity case
In the end after building you up They are still there To lend an ear to your happiness, joyfulness, sadness and pain Most of all to catch you if you fall
A friend doesn't leave you just because you are better They are there for the long haul They are there forever
Written by JH all rights reserved
Written by Jennifer Humphrey all rights reserved Dedicated to a friend on their Birthday Dedicated to all of my friends