Lake Erie THEN and NOW as a child summers were spent at our cottage onΒ Β the beach of Lake Erie. Clear water i could see the bottom. as a child i would take a bar of soap into the clear water and wash up, shampoo my hair, then take a swim. i lived in the clear clean water. collecting sea shells, colored glass which washed up on the sand. when a storm popped up we would have white foam wash up along with a dead fish or two. but the white foam came from the angry waves. the foam never lasted long, and mom picked up the dead fish. water was back to being clear and clean. now we never drank that water, or bathed in it when it was angry. But it was a beautiful beach.
NOW... Sad to say it is green slime. i went out and took pictures of the water. the beach is now Maumee State Park and thanks to the stuff than runs off into Lake Erie it is green, and angry again. Can't find a clean spot anywhere. Warning signs are posted. Seagulls still are walking the beach, hoping for a crumb. SAD.... Then and Now...