The whole world is washed out, the drunks ramble on far past the point of preminiscence, to the reaches of ignorance.
We hold on so tight to our jobs, our jobs, our jobs, our humanity is gone, and I can't mourn.
When the sun sets on a Saturday, we crest and valley, we return and serve, we hold tight to our own souls like we feel the skin of the dancer's hips, in our fingertips, everything is not really ours, and yet we believe we can never be wrong about anything.
The bouncer bounced out all of them at 2 am.
Even the incoherent, even the lost, even the hopeless, even the wonderlust of a brilliant night peppered by sodium stars and ignited moons, and wonderful galaxies, and incomparable distances, it was all not enough.
Why is it never enough, what bluff are we standing on, camping out on?