I have crossed the Ever After Bridge many times before It wasn’t in the spiritual, but the fleshy body I can’t ignore But on this specific trip The bridge span had a very deep dip One wrong time and one could slip But I was on this bus It was the multitudes that derive in us As the bus climbed on the high span on the bridge It seemed like the entire span was a ridge Well as the bus approached the bridge bend It seemed like this was the end This is when The end part was extending down to the water This was the exact sequence order That means the bus would have to surface in order to float Yet the bus was a land vehicle and not a boat It was my expression in hesitate Then later thinking my life would no longer relate I was now in a panic state My life would have to come to believe This is for me to see the evidence in receive The bus started moving within the water I thought the bus might just sink But it was only my thought of think Despite the buses weight My life began to have assurance even to this date The Ever After Bridge being a remembrance in the slate A remainder that obvious is never too late It is all about believing in becoming participate.