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Jul 2014
The morning had a dampness that penetrated
what, at the time
seemed to be everything in the realm,
a dampness of renewal,
a catalyst to decomposition.

I stared out from the sidewalk at nothing in particular.
My gaze brought in everything
from ruffing leaves in the forest across the street,
to the acute shake
and gyration
from the hummus below.

The damp old leaves of ancient years long past,
shifting with the various decayed wood
of fallen trees,
both shifting and merging,
embracing and destroying;
each becoming the other,
each creating something new.

They say spring is a time for birth
and new life in this world of light yet,
they neglect the fact
that new life cannot be created
without the end of an old life.
This new life is really rebirth, renewal;
a completion of the cycle.
May 22, 2013
Written by
Juneau  33/M/Ontario
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