Its a blessing to be a father but not in this world I cherish and love my baby girl but I'm not apart of her life due to the funds and so its easy to see this world is messed up there's so much I can teach her given the chance honestly I wish I would've kept my **** in my pants kuz no father should have to go through this no court should determine whether I should see my daughter I'm broke dnt even got a quarter and if money determines the worth of a father then it's sad sad thing that I gave birth to my daughter regardless of the fact I'm still a father and that's the greatest blessing a man can be but I've been deemed unworthy because I have no money obviously I'm worthy kuz there's something I can't see theres reason why I'm father kuz there's something the I seen in me so thank you lord for letting me spread my seed and you will be the reason on why I succeed!