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Jul 2014
The best actors, with the best directors and producers are in church.
We just play along to make it work.
We all have sinned during the week.
Then get in church and pray for a change.
Just to get out and do it again.

Only fooling ourselves and a few others.,
But not fooling God.
Scams and schemes he plays no part.

We all know those that holds position within church.
Mainly because others don't want the pressure.
Comedians jokes about them.
And we laugh.
Especially when they talk about the ministers ,sisters, elders and deacons.
Even the rabbi and the priest.
We all are actors of this earth.
Pushing on an image to please others.

The only real ones within the church, are the children.
After all, God has stated a child should lead us.
And they are the ones not to be called pretenders.

We have various actors ready to jump.
And claim they doing it in the name of the lord.
jeffrey conyers
Written by
jeffrey conyers  united states
(united states)   
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