A dying old man came to sit by the sea; for as long as he can. A dying old man came to sit by the sea and listen to the waves; for as long as he can. A dying old man came to sit by the sea, listen to the waves and watch the sunset fade; for as long as he can. A dying old man came to sit by the sea, listen to the waves, to watch the sunset fade, and to recapture his memories. He remembered the rock where he and his wife swam. The ring glinting in his hand. He remembered their home, just two miles away. And the sound and feel of ocean spray. He recalled his first kiss. And of course his first fish. He remembered the sweet taste of victory. And the bitter taste of misery. He remember his wife, never waking from her sleep. He recalled his life, which was slowly slipping into a dream. A dying old man came to sit by the sea to gather his memories; one last time. To come to watch the sunset fade; one last time. To listen to the waves; one last time, as they say goodbye. A dying old man came to sit by the sea, and there he died peacefully.
An older piece; I found this poem I wrote 4 years ago. Not as good as I remembered; but decent enough yeah?