Wanderer with no name, intentions deemed unclear. A purpose in life, near impossible to satisfy; To stand tall amongst peers, To wipe those faltered tears and above all, find solace in all fears.
This drifter long forgot his name, so dead set on his goal, he locked away all inner conflicts, forbidding the pleasures of being human that even a ditch digger couldn't dig a bigger hole.
The Wanderer must be a beacon of hope for those not strong to bear their weight, he chose this selfless fate, fully knowing no one else should, but rather understanding he could.
To those who have cracked under pain: blood, tears, mascara, any stain, know that this drifter is coming for you to pick you up off the dirt with a simple hand and carrying you where you used to stand.
There will come a time when this drifter shall sit down and tackle his own fears, but in a world that needs guidance, he cannot afford to lose sight on ending the darkness with his light.
Wanderer, remember who you were and who you are. For you have traveled for so long and so far. Remove those dusty boots by the hearth and lay down because your own name still has yet to be found.