A lifetime of Valentines Have passed by us And a lifetime of them remain Having you here, right by my side I would live them all again
The roller coaster of life Was no fun Untill you came along for the ride Since then it was a smooth one all along A few bumps thrown in in the side
The sum of all kisses Would be hard to find But I still remember the first one The softness and the sweetness of your lips Under the golden February sun
Your hand in mine is all I want As I did all those years ago The gentle strength of them is the force That helped me face life's brutal blows
A harmony of the sweetest music We created between us A song that soothes the soul The melody of your heart's beats Was the one to fill my heart's hole
I promised to support you In sickness and in health To protect and cherish you Till death do us apart Those promises, today, I renew
As I gaze back On the lifetime of Valentines that have passed us by And all those that remain Having you here,by my side I would love to live them love, all again