Crystalline gliding. Clippin' cuticles in cubicles & itching for a kaleidoscope dance with The Phantom sidling ridged in the ceiling's fold.
Glazed eyes from a friend. honey crueler. Polymerization twists coffee sweats with briny tears & my pores breath the calcification. Beet red eyes sting like molten hiss & pollen still buries it's way deep into the tree trunk, Bleeding like a sour calf just to stroke a coconut leaf in the musky village.
I live inside a cantaloupe so I can't elope with status quo. Sipping puddles & licking groggy mud spots so the Queen calls me swamp belly. She looked like she was carved out of rice. bitten & frail steps with gentle linger teased soft grass in the concrete canal where the streets glistened with mustaches drenched in honey brown ale.
His brain is a tickled cauliflower encased in Papier-mâché, Lima bean boogers & nicotine stained chestnut shells. Gears torque and crudely animate his sluggish form and peanut butter body. Diabetic eyes, that bark like a sloth & lay a thick layer of custard over their last nerve, intrigue mine own to stare into the vague emptiness.