Who of all these will put me down The serious and lazy all together Casual and combat ready for a mission.
Much as the back is built with terror My succcess is assured to the throne having been there time and again Just like you can't teach an old gorilla the paths of the forest Equiped with experience and shinning with medals from the previous wars. Am blocked from reaching the peak but before death holds you captive your plan is never a failure, like soldiers never run out of invasions, a star fights to maintain position in coldness or sunshine.
There is nothing sweeter compared to living successfull You carry prestigious names with no pay All a close associate to thousands. Blow the trumpet to his entry for the jungle rule applies. only to test how patient and tactical you can over look danger to a dream. Too much sharpness can cause failure As a single bracelet doesnt jingle boiling situations in abundance only to start, test and run with sour conclusion. A simple bomb clears hundreds to the flow but though amongest plenty the brave ones survive. Let the last man stand