in the night calm when all are asleep i lie awake and count my dreams although i've suffered a nightmare or two it all provides purpose in what's to come to differentiate between what is and what isn't real in hopes to remain dreaming while sleeping still and even to be lost in a daze while fully awake to evaluate my desires within the vastness of life picking apart the pieces deep inside my brain to the pit of my center and still it seems i have failed to find exactly what i was looking for they say you're so young and you have so much time
when not even my dreams are so rightfully mine
be knownst to the outside as particularly set though i have painted the image of one whom has never been lost so when the nightly tremors invade my slumbering place creating a feast off the fear of my fate i awaken in attempt to rebuild what is to be lacking the knowledge and senses of the future unseen
i tell you this believe in your nightmares for they are as real as the day they are a gathering of all things you show resistance to things of which make you afraid slip into the unconscious anticipating the unknown embrace the substance of deep thinking even as you close your eyes the mind never sleeps your hopes never die
as for me i welcome the madness that keeps awake i accept all the challenges of an image to portray for who i am to be when i fall asleep is not the same person when i wake