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Jul 2014
Lately I have been reading a lot of poetry and I noticed it's very sad
Full of sorrow and no hope for tomorrow

Then I looked at my poetry
It is so much different
My poetry is positive
Full of dreams and aspirations

I tried to make my poetry gloomy,
But I just couldn't do it
Why? Am I that limited in my prose?
Am I not as good a poet as I had thought?

Ahhhhh, I get it. The difference is Hope!
I have Hope in my life!
She makes me so happy that I cannot even utter a melancholy line, never mind stanza or poem
She has me so full of anticipation of our future together that I just write dream after dream after dream, usually smiling throughout.

Thank you Hope for limiting me in my poetry, but making my happiness limitless! I love you so much. You are the most amazing person I have ever met and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you! 35
Turtle Eyes
Written by
Turtle Eyes  Planet Earth
(Planet Earth)   
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