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Jul 2014
Are we leasing time from armageddon
ammunition for the guns that run like
clockwork toys through the hands
of little boys.
Are we hoping against all hope
that the hangman's rope is made from
cotton thread.
A thought to go to bed on

who if not the Devil loaned us the rights
to ***** out their lights and call it
a Holy war, and
what ***** out of Hades would mutilate
ladies,babes in the arms,who'd harm them.
If human compassion has gone we are out in the cold
nothing we love and nothing we hold means a thing,
sing hallelujah as the bullets cut through you and the
rapture is come,
not from the almighty but from the soldier who carries a gun.
A thought to go to bed on

wondering if they'll send over a bomb
how long will the night be,will the end of it
find me
John Edward Smallshaw
Written by
John Edward Smallshaw  68/Here and now
(68/Here and now)   
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