Where do you go? When you're not here? Do you miss me? I do.
I miss the me that was without all that you are. I miss the me before that moment when the earth stopped spinning at your hello. I miss the me that believed in love and had not witnessed the irony of your beautiful scars. I miss the me that didn't hurt, that rode the wave and let things be what they would. I miss the me that never felt your touch, that never brought his lips to yours.
Now, I am consumed. Swirling within your grief at being taken, drowning within my grief at the sound of our boy's laughter.
Now I am lonely, my thoughts of you driving me further from the light and deeper into a melancholy orbit, where the only existence is within your unbeating heart.
I see you, all the time, a suggestion of the life I could have had, had the reaper played fairly, his attraction to your flame stronger than mine.
There is no regret here, I loved, deeply and without remorse, every inch of your being.
But today, I'll die a little. For you.
Three years ago today I lost my lovely wife. She was all there was worth having and she was mine. I miss her everyday. I love you Georgie, I promised forever, I meant it. Rest easy baby. **