listen-- it's two-thirty in the morning. there is a song playing, and it doesn't remind me of you, but i thought you should know because this next part is important.
the singer is Elliott Smith, and he's kissing his darling between jailbird bars just like that time--remember?--when we kissed through the gap in the barbed wire, and our hearts danced like the strobe of police lights.
(we were trespassing)
i'm not thinking of you, because while i'm out here smoking, and i wet my lips so the paper doesn't stick to them like heartbreak, i don't imagine your cherry Chapstick or the way it left mellow pink stains on your cigarette filters.
these are the facts: i've nearly forgotten you; i'm not still hung up on the smell of lavender handsoap; i haven't rifled through a single Facebook album; i don't know the name, address, and telephone number
(not to mention, i haven't memorized a single stupid, snarky tweet)
of your new boyfriend with the pretentious French last name. anyway, i don't know why i decided to call, i guess it was just to let you know how i'm doing just fine without you.