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Jul 2014
I sat on a hill one day. It was spring. Maybe. Or maybe it was winter. Spokane can't make up it's mind anyways. I watch while the horizon tucks the sun into the blanket of darkness as night falls upon the everything bright. I forget that I'm still moving. That the earth doesn't slow down for me. Or that the eucalyptus forest in western japan still feeds pandas while I sleep.

There was a new feeling of glory that day. Of power raining down into my fingertips. The kind of rain that won't stop when you dry your hands. This long awaited arrival doesn't have a a departure time. Full steam ahead and best foot under.

I built a mountain once in 8th grade. Molding every tip and compressing every valley. That's this moment right here right now. I will stand on the top of this elevation, all 13853 millimeters of it and I'll be proud of the mountain that lay under me. We are too tragic to think we must all conquer mt Everest. That we must be the first and the best in the west. I want to be first at the trivial accoplishments. I swear on everything I'll be the first to find my miss matched socks. Or that one time I was the best at listening. It's so hard to listen when there's an orchestra in your lungs waiting to be heard. I want to be the first to the playground to show them how serious I take this thing called life. How I'll swing on those swings with the confidence of a bald eagle. Did you know they can glide for 3 hours without flapping their wings. If only I could focus for that...... There is a bird in my chest is what I mean. One that wants to fly. It's stuck in this cage of opinions and small talk keeping it at bay. Telling it how there is no time to reason with centrifugal force. You get too dizzy when the time comes. I'm dizzy with life. I have spent the last.... Too long trying to see straight. To figure out what path I should take. I want to be a teacher to help things with their smarts and stuff. Or maybe I want to be a garbage man to help people get rid of all their regrets with non of the space. I'll tell them to have a nice day as I tuck everything they stopped caring about Into my pocket. I want to be better. Better than I was before. I will be more than everything. Because right now I am more than a 10 letter word and I can prove you wrong with a pen. So as I show you 5 pairs of matched socks, holes in my 3 pairs of underwear, and a closed drawer I don't want to talk about, I hope you know that I am trying to show you how much I care. It's the trivial things that matter to this ghost box of a heart I have.
Written by
JWolfeB  27/M/Cairo, Egypt
(27/M/Cairo, Egypt)   
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