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Jul 2014
I will scream into the void with you. Take my hand, let me calm your fears.I will weave my words into a shelter,Β a place of grace for your troubled heart.

Walk with me until the stars dim forever,Β until the sun implodes and only dust remains. I am here with you, there with you. Let my tangled thoughts be your remedy, your darkest dreams my salvation. Take my light, for I would rather walk in darkness unending than see the weight of sorrow on your pretty brow.

You are my privilege, my haven, my friend, this will always be, as long as there is breath I will use it to sing of my wonder at your strength and my joy at your existence.

If you believe in nothing else, I beg that you believe in me
A gift for a very dear friend, in the hope that he will know that he is loved.
calpurnia mockingbird
Written by
calpurnia mockingbird  Cardiff
       Pea, rained-on parade, ---, ---, Michael and 37 others
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