Once there was nothing, no time, nothing but something strange happened there was a birth, it's very old now we call it the Universe
The Universe had many children all of different shapes, sizes, colors but all very beautiful we call them Galaxies
Those Galaxies aged and had children of their own called solar systems and they had children called planets and those planets had children called life
Billions of years passed that life had children called machines but everything that as a beginning as an end and the machines malfunctioned the life died out planets were destroyed solar systems perished galaxies fell apart and the Universe continued to age, watching as its children died not able to save them, not able to do anything.
As time drifted by the Universe got sick been eaten away by a virus called Black holes destroying everything the Universe had left and eventually dieing
Based on the multiverse theory which I believe in, there is the probability that one universe somewhere will never die and all life will live on. Maybe just maybe it will be this universe