I find the beggar’s face happier than me At the street corner where I see him daily In unkempt hair and stretched shriveled palm He doesn’t look as ruffled or as me bereft calm!
He isn’t a bit perturbed none asks him his name Not complains of clothes barely hiding his shame Holds on to a lingering smile never leaving his face Gathers besides the coins comes whatever happiness!
Scar him wrathful season’s sun storm and rain Yearlong his beggar’s toil keeps him in the open Yet never stalks his face the slightest trace of gloom The dark shades of despair like on my face loom!
The moment you fill his palm he bows in courtesy Reciprocates with blesses for you and family I have seen him sharing crumbs with the dog on street Showing there’s a good heart a mind that is sweet!
I find the beggar’s face far happier than me Admire him but more than that I do him envy Don’t doubt it and I'm ready to lay a wager I cannot be as happy as that street side beggar!