most of us have heard of the NEO - a near earth object that can have affect all of us should be concerned you know will the wounds inflicted be glancing or direct
I mean an orbiting body can suddenly drop and cause considerable damage to the brain this body can be cold at times make your heart stop usually warm but can still crush you like a train
oh but I'm speaking of this lady over there almost every time I see her I can hear her purr I mean a celestial body with goodies to spare can make your eyes swell and your tongue grow fur
yes though we have never met I always sigh I can feel the gravity pull me to go so near her smile delivers a direct hit to my heart no lie my heart and I will be casualties I fear
though no one else on Earth will even ever know the voice inside my head tells me to scream her face has created an eclipse of heavenly glow to be with her would fulfill my dream
I've always been enamored with things in space the unknown thought has captured my soul this story has been told another time another place another orbiting body has capture me whole