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Jul 2014
I've had enough
and I say it sadly
The last year
has been driving
me insane
Everything I thought
I knew
hurts so badly but,
All the daggers
in the world
could never
cut me like the words
you let roll
off your careless tongue
I hear you whisper
with your hand
resting on my hip
You will always
feel my fingertips
tracing the scars
and tattoos upon
your skin
It took so long
for you to get
close enough  
to me
I didn't want
to be a curse
as your patience
was always
my blessing
But all the doctors
and the pills
can't cure the way
I feel about myself
Too afraid to ask for help
from anyone, for anything
It takes time
prescribing a means
to an end
And I'm
Feeling addicted to
this prescription
The problem lies
within the help
for me
this time
So, I just smile through
the pain
and suffer as
I let go of
Ashley Rodden
Written by
Ashley Rodden  32/F/Missouri
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