Frightened, timid, and cautious I may appear But a coward is something I will never be Unsure, hesitant, and thoughtful I may seem But weak is something I will never be Confident, proud, and unashamed I admit But arrogant is something I will never be Lies, cheats, and thefts I have done But a sinner is something I will never be Weakened, humiliated and kicked I have been But disgraced is something I will never be Unwilling, unjust, and mistaken I will say But dishonorable is something I will never be Cowardly, Weak, Arrogant, Sinful, Disgraced and Dishonored these are the things I will never be. And These are the things you have always been These are the things I will never be She said, as she died slowly These are the things I will never be