He is intangible Of that you are certain Intangible and far away And realistically There's nothing you can do about it No wand to vanish the distance No command to solidify his existence No chance to verify the feelings drifting across modems
It seems a cruel trick of the Cosmos That you should be obsessing Over a binary being A body who takes the form of a chat window For all you know, he isn't even real You could have dreamed him up Imagined yourself a lover And placed him across an ocean Conveniently out of reach when you need him most
Yes, it's a cruel trick To be questioning the universe at every turn Wondering if it's his intangibility that captures you Rather than the sweet words he lets play across the screen Wondering how he could ever disappoint you If he's only made of instant messages
Sometimes You hold your own hands Wishing you could trace the lines of his palm Imagining having something solid to hold Instead of slippery dreams and fluffy half-images That get dislodged by catchy songs
Sometimes You talk to yourself as though he could hear you Wishing the sound could reverberate around his room Envisioning the faces he would make And hallucinating his responses
Sometimes You want to slap him Wishing you could hear the satisfying smack Of your palm against his cheek Rather than the clattering of your typing fingers When you're jealous over a piece of cyberspace
Nonexistence is disappointing When you've worked out all the details in your head All you want to do is reach out And not be stuck catching at empty air
In the end His intangibility will let you down So why are you so enchanted?
Why are you feeling like Eponine Pretending he's beside you Knowing you're living in your head? And yet these days You find it far too easy to let the city fall away Only to have it shock you with its solidity When you realize you've been imagining things again