From this barstool i have sat waitting for some moment of inspiration to come to me. But the only thing that that comes to me is a bartender with another drink.
And in empty reflection lost in a jukebox's song played by a lonley heart shooting pool. I cant recall where the spark went. maybe it fell to floor like the ash from a cigarette.
the page waits at home like a wife waitting in worry as her husban is off doing God knows what. So worried only wishing he'd return. And when he does the fear fades and the anger kicks in.
The bottle doesnt hold a key but it does know me well. I kiss it's fiery lips and cant resist it's charm. so I sit with it passing hours in a dance that will end in nothing but another wasted night and a bitter morning taken out apon my mind.
In a swirl of hungover thoughts id leave half written pages. To soon find themselves collecting with my ever growing arsenal of drunken rants. All ending bitter and cold.
But when the whiskey hits I'll make such great plans that will never be. I'll write that epic that will keep in the minds other writers. And in the warm arms of women who wanna love a trainwreck just to say they've known what it's like.
Whiskey wishes are like sparks from a much larger fire. the sparks fly off into the midnight sky. only to fade befor are very eye.