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Jul 2014
It’s one year later now
And all your pictures are gone
It’s two girls later and yet you’re still the one
That I’m writing about and I don’t understand
Why I can’t let you go
There was little to nothing that was so special
About the week and a half we shared
You’re not the only one I’ve stayed awake until
3 A.M. for and you’re not the only girl who has ever made me smile
I’ve had more empty promises than the one you made
To me concerning backpacks and hospital beds
Maybe it’s because you’re the only one who has used me the way you did
I guess I was like medication for your anxiety
You insisted I didn’t have to be here and I told you
I knew what I was doing
When I took the class the next semester it almost killed me
Because I had to do it alone
And I felt so lost
When the doctor asked me if I was on any medication
It was all I could do not to scream your name
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