I've been so old, locked in line by expectations I forgot that love is a $20 ticket to a punk rock show
Sweaty bodies pushing forward, slamming hard, falling to fall in love with the words of some yelping, grown-out teenager
And we're all drinking ****** venue beer just because it's dirt cheap and suddenly I remember that I'm only free with ***** feet and I come alive in mosh pits and I die when I live for paycheques
We're all dripping beads of sweat, making necklaces from our youth Tokens of everything we love and shedding everything we hate We'll sweat it out onto the ***** bar floor We'll keep going until our legs give out, I swear to it
I've never been more free than when I'm dancing to these songs I've been so old, forgetting that I'm just a punk rock kid, with $20 in my pocket and ****** beer in my hand Singing songs that mean something, demand change, ooze with emotion, celebrate divine & dingy moments, make me feel that transgender dysphoria blues
I forgot that this is euphoria I'm not jaded quite yet Not in this moment How dare I be How dare I?