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Nov 2010
last week a man took my picture,
his grin stretched ear to ear.
i glanced over and mirrored with
a smile like cheshire cats,
and he took another.
i wonder what brought him
to our table,
to me.

last week a man drew my picture,
his mouth set rigid in focus.
i noticed his anonymous glances
but i carried on my way,
not knowing who the girl his pen
was putting on paper was.
it wasn't until i passed
and they told me our bangs
were the same and she
wore glasses like mine
that i recognized her.

there's something about strangers
anonymously immortalizing you
in art that makes you realize
how empty your eyes are.
i don't know why they did it, but they did. twice in one week. my eyes may be empty, but **** did they make me feel beautiful.
amanda cooper
Written by
amanda cooper  31/F/va
   Maria Rodriguez
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