You come at me at night, invading my mind as I sleep, Like the riptides of the ocean. You drag me down into the Netherworld of the sea, You waiting there, knife in hand plunging in my helpless body,Again and Again, The Agony of pain in my breast as you slash your way through my mind. my blood mingling with the saltwater...
The God of the sea, releasing my battered and bruised Soul to the surface, Panic leaving me unable to swim paralell to the shore of this nightmare, can't swim out of your riptide.
My mind Screaming, Screaming me awake, Tears running down my face, tasting salt on my tongue, Is it from the sea? The taste so real, Is this Nightmare really over? will it ever Really be over?
The knifing really happened but not in the sea, but the nightmare is real!