I wrote a poem for you, it cried I painted a picture but it lied I made a movie of still images complete with the music I bled Still, it left so many things unsaid It wasn't enough for you It wasn't enough for me The path unspoken, forever broken is so easy, in blindness, to see Another day, someone's heartbeat washes up silently upon the shore beached upon an unforgiving earth they think of Life no more Each battle scar carved upon flesh in a moment of Self Flagellation is an answer to a deeper question beyond our own imagination I see you curled upon the floor I bleed for you, I've been there before You feel like its not worth it This Life you have been given But before you cut it down Why don't you try living?
Death comes for everyone eventually but Death by thy own hand, before Life gets to share its own Wonder is truly not Death, it's a new start to a whole new Nightmare