How can you judge? How can you count? How can you perceive? How can you know? What it's like in a day of life of another?
Different time zones Zip codes Regions and countries Cycles Circumstances Hemispheres of women and men
Likes Senses Problems Dislikes
Measurements Of weight Distance Height And time
But we all share a life force of love Whether we embrace it or push it away Is every individual's choice And that is life
Season change Time passes forward We can only look back But live in the now
Will this moment by mine, your's our last? Plan Remember Savor And hope
Learn Feel Absolve Go on
Celebrate, commemorate and commend The circle never ends Have no enemies and make friends There is no room for hate so re-amend
Look deep into the eyes of those who you share air Look fondly into the soul of those who sip from the same cup Overlook color Disregard secular stigmas
Swap each other's shoes and run a mile Then you can comprehend You will know What love and what life means