I fall to my knees and ask God for his strength Lord I am not perfect, I have never asked anyone else to be either Please just help me stand up and take control of my life Let me chase the demons of darkness away Allow me to keep my cool and not hurt any involved in hurting me Keep me sane and help me hold my head high Help me Lord to remember I am a good and beautiful person I have a giving and kind soul I am worth more than any monetary value out there Help me remember I am a good mother Even through all of this I have been a great wife Guide me through this Lord and help me pull myself together Please take the humiliation I feel and replace it with contempt Let me walk proudly in front of those that know what is going on Keep me from using this Scotts Irish temper in a way that would compromise keeping my child I pray for my self respect to return Allow me to forgive those that are taking my heart away Give me strength oh Lord, please I beg and pray for your guiding light and everlasting Love In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit