Pull up Parking lot 30 minutes early Feels like a lot. A/C doesn't work Smoke up for nerves Not the wacky tobaccy That's just absurd. Job interview Clan of the waitressing brood Make me one of you. I know how to take orders And bring out your food. Take the phone out of my hands Give my some daily plans Make my unemployment take a stand. Save my bank account from blanking It's not much that I'm asking. Use the waiting game to plan a conversation Give me a purpose in this great nation I have plenty of patience Unruly folks and their aggrivation. Waiting on fries and I can shake it. I spend too much time being white bred. Clearer head with smokey resolve Grip my hand and don't do it gently now Let's them know you mean business Don't show desperation just to be a waitress. Give a smile A joke or two Don't make me wait To be one of you.
Ps- if you were curious enough to know I got the job And soon I'll have money to show