Check the yellow pages And the funny papers We gotta find those contact lenses that will change our brown eyes blue Then promenade to the place
Whatchya got on tap? Lemonade? Give me the recipe
That's a odd catch phrase you got there, "I'll **** you with a railroad spike!"
Tell me how the worldwide aficionado only got the bronze metal
She cries at the drop of a hat Now they've revoked her drivers licence
He's eating flower petals, that man in the corner over there He's in for a rude awakening That's poison oak or is it poison ivy? Either way that's his lot in life
The man from the nuclear power plant comes in and tells m to get welded as he slaps some roadkill on the counter with great hubris
He told the cook to fry it up so no one here would have to eat processed, pasteurized, homogenized, hydrogenated genetically modified food with an appeasing garnish on top
Mmm tire marks Tastes like this thing has been through the marsh Some kind of wetland
Before I leave someone yells from the back, "You want the weather? Look up an hope for the best!"