Some people think I'm so deep A dark and mysterious being Just living amongst the blithesome ones
"Oh look at Dorothy She's zoned out again Wonder what she's over there thinking"
Contemplating on life's blow your mind out questions Like Why don't you ever see baby pigeons? Or Why do they sterilize needles for lethal injections? And If someone with multiple personalities threatens to **** herself, is it considered a hostage situation?
Those are my life's crazy questions Even Google's search bar has more imagination I'm far from puzzling, tangible to say the least You don't have to read into much to get to know me
My mind is not a challenging maze I lack any form of craftsmanship And I've come to realize that because of this I turn out to be just another friendship or romance phase
It's okay
This is what you get I am Ms. Ordinary Joe It's your choice to accept it Because regardless of my bland taste I wont force myself to ever change