i. When you told me life was hard You said it was like Trying to catch water With your bare hands And I thought You are the water droplets In a place where it never rains
ii. When you told me You would rather hibernate And take a nap from life I thought You are the sleep That eludes me As I go from falling asleep To wide awake Within a matter of seconds Because when you're here I would rather be awake
iii. When you're down Looking through a pessimistic lens Of a glass only half full I drink all the water Getting rid of the problem And I would gladly drive The karma bus To show you how much worse it can get
iv. I've heard your sob story Moans and complaints A million and one times But not once have I seen you Trying to change
v. See the beauty in life And capture it Don't expect anything And you won't take anything for granted What you deem as an ordeal Could be an adventure