I want you so badly to hold you in my arms and to be held in yours but how can you and I be, when I am just a shadow underneath a shaded tree? A better view they cannot see see me crying trying to impress the less knowledgable skimming through your details bypassing the fine print in which i have made my mind a home yet i'm hidden blended with the clouds that passersby admire and watch while you fill their heads with your beautiful words Ears were meant for hearing but mine filter your sounds into love life's filters are meant to cleanse the vile and harmful thoughts that are trapped in my mind polluting us for I am your secret a hidden shadow too outspoken to be heard too quiet to be listened to I want so badly to be discovered remove that stain which blocks your view of me that area not polished for its landscape is too rough to house my most tender and buried emotions strumming your heart strings with calloused fingers your heart strings even more so Perhaps that's why the sounds are so sweet to us and no one more open up to me it is time to walk through that crooked door together I, me, and your shadow