Drop in Just in case you missed it Lost marbles and missing puzzle pieces If what? But, What if?
This is my only recourse A resource of thick accents And made up minds That think it's all water under the bridge
The thumping of her heart subsides Disposable income comes naturally now She impersonates impostors with crooked teeth and bad posture But that's just the prelude
She foresees it all How does it look? "Sour grapes and low hanging fruit" "Permanence is a myth"
Case closed "Belly button lint and earwax" "Pay your dues" Outcries about fiscal responsibility
"Fill in the blanks with what you want to hear" Fraudulent pyramid scams Pinsetters falling for ponzi schemes That leave them with a bad tastes in their mouths
"Lets head up to Golgotha And rip the nails from the Penitent thief's hands Then stick them in the Impenitent thief's eyes Just a new number to add to our repertoire"