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Jun 2014
Zeal for appreciation,
A push for perfection,
The touch of an Angel
Cries to heaven.

Desire for recognition,
Brainwashed into hollowness.
A voice from heaven
Pleas for safety.

Ravenous for love,
Coaxed to mutilate.
Constant reassurance,
A prayer for embrace.

Parallel lines
Connected by blood.
Forearms like ladders,
Perception clear as mud.

The itch for normality
dulls the blade.
Bloodlust dissolves
When attention is paid.

A devil's on the left,
An Angel on the right.
We make our own decisions.
Choose to fall, or choose to take flight.
Written for a dear friend of mine. Keep your chin up, beautiful.
Pacifica Northwest
Written by
Pacifica Northwest  Grand Rapids
(Grand Rapids)   
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