All those kingdoms, born to fail. An energy they cant contain. The ancient halls and houses, where people chose the path of men. They're shaking now, under their weight, they're gonna have to start again.
Rewrite those written fallacies, the twisted truth they tried to sell, before we fall into the sea, before we create our own hell. The fruits of truth are peeling, revealing all, just as they're ripe. They're gonna bring a brand new world. They're gonna bring a brand new life.
One lie takes another lie, and another after that. Then the truth grows pale and skinny. Deceit chews on its swollen fat. But those lies now are shining, like a beacon on a stormy night. God bless inperfecton, for teaching us whats truely right. Ye God bless inperfection, and all that was lost to the night..