-Light up a cliche under a streetlight while singing "the Star Spangled Banner" and receiving oral from a trans-woman. -**** in the drive-thru of an Arby's. -Fist fight a bear that people find much uglier than myself. Made a bucket list of **** I think might be legitimately worth doing; haven't run it by my girlfriend yet. Speaking of which, she deserves a round of applause for dealing with my melodramatic *******. -Strike a police officer, after robbing a bank with a water pistol. I wanted to call her to let her know I'd chased a bird till it crossed the street and tweeted at me in anger or excitement. Flipping the bird "the bird", I shouted, "******* BIRD!" and continued home. -Throw a rock at a train. -Toss a Molotov Cocktail at a moving car, and cook a hot dog in the flames. She deserves a million dollars and a god-**** Nobel peace prize. -Call one of those panhandling money worshiping televangelists a **** bird, and offer them to **** themselves [the ugliest people I can think of]. -Wear a habit over a burka. I don't believe in souls, soul mates, anything supernatural or special, but I love that woman, and that's why I believe in love. -Not die alone.