I fastened my heart to your sleeve I pinned my dreams to yours For a moment in time you were mine The sun & the moon keeping score
You lifted my hair with your breath I told you my hideous truths We laid side by side spent Our hands fitting neatly as grooves
I'd have died for you over and again Touch linking us stronger than words Taken any hit of the fallen sword Leveled my life for yours
What came before your firey touch Where had the others gone Little by little and one by one Chased away by our twisted bond
Destructive, so often we'd clash Pressed on by the blood we drew Running to and away from our mess Ever stirring our emotional rue
You hurt me with each plunge of your blade But how I breathed you in I fought for you, a jealous rage No matter what the cost had been
Slowly we filled like blisters in the sun Marching over the fields we'd broken Thrashing and slaying in wrought desperation Savage and ugly, the heinous words we'd spoken
Transparent as glass, we were done-finished-finally weaned I felt you slipping and watched you ebb Feeling severed from the limb that once had held my dreams I took back my heart, dusting it off, quietly watching as you fled