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Jun 2014
Who was that?
Netanya asked

who was whom?
I said

that *****
who has just
dropped you off
in her car
she said

O her
she gave me
a lift home
from the store

what did you do
at the store
that she needs
to give you a lift
in her car?
she said

I work at the store
she said
can I give you
a life home?

O sure
what else
did you give her
to make her
so grateful?

she gave me a lift
because she was going
my way
I said

do you fancy her?
does she get
your pecker going?
Netanya said
in her tight voice

I walked to the fridge
and took out a beer
pulled the ring
on the lid
and took a sip

she's four months pregnant
I said
walking to the sitting room
and sitting down

yours I suppose
she said
she stood with her hands
on her hips
her eyes darkening

no of course not
I barely know her
she works
in Home ware

I bet you've
given her one
Netanya said

I looked
at her frizzy hair
dark but greying

you know I wouldn't
I said

how do I know
what you get up to
at the store?
she replied

I don't fancy any
of the dames
at the store
I lied

Netanya walked off
her backside swaying
like a ship
on stormy seas

thoughts of the young dame
on Perishables
buzzing like bees.
Terry Collett
Written by
Terry Collett  Sussex, England
(Sussex, England)   
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