i'm holding you cupped in fragile hands, a frail little bird in frail little fingers. i can never hold too tightly, because my grip might not be strong enough and even if i could little bird bones are tender little things. and it doesn't make sense because i hate birds so much but i love you more than words could ever say. and then i think of that time when i was a little girl and that baby bird sat on my deck and it didn't chirp because it was dead so i didn't know it was there, and i stepped on it's tender featherless wings and it crunched under my foot. and viscera spilled out in reds and blues and yellow and i cried and cried and cried. and even though it was dead inside already, i was so afraid i would be the one to hurt it again. and it's kinda like that. so excuse me if i hold you too tight some days. and excuse me if sometimes my fingers are too loose. i have my reasons, they're there. please, just please sing loud enough to let me know that you're still alive, even if it's only a little bit. and i'm so, so sorry if i ever crush you. i never meant to.
i still feel so terrible for that. i know it was dead anyway, but i didn't need to crush it anymore. 11/14/10.