Gratitude I searched the dictionary I desperately wanted to find a word, another string of letters The List I write, pages, flick, flick , flick and the pencil, it scribbles, "I should have known," she winks "You're a writer." My Gratitude How it extends, to places, to people to survival, and saving to writing, to daring to believing, to loving to declaration My Evolution How you've watched me grow A mere amateur back in June A full year. My first poem "Where is my mind" A recollection, as though yesterday the break, I snapped I dared to enter the unknown The land known as Hello Poetry.
Extended gratitude and more for each and every one of you here. I love you with all my heart! I cannot thank you enough for all have do for me, and your unconditional acceptance. Thank you for welcoming with such such immense love.