Our parents said when we grew up, That it would all make sense. 18 years later, half a drink in my cup And I'm still sitting on the fence. Because I understand the little things, Like what really was under my bed. But I still don't know who pulls the strings, Or what's really inside my head.
Afraid of what the future will bring, I'm drowning my fears in the bleak. Because with time comes an eventual swing, That helps bring down your body's peak. My greatest fear is being alone, While watching the undeserving succeed. Submerged in doubt, up high on my throne, I fail to adjust to life's unfathomable speed.
The first two verses came from when I became of age. And a lot has surely changed since that day. I have calmed a lot of my fiery rage, And completely understand life in entirely new way. But my hopes and fears remain the same, While the rest of the world changes face. But I now know I'm the one to blame, For never trying to change my place.