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Jun 2014
Glorious Procession!
Stampede Proud and Mighty!
Gale~Wind Force could not stop this forward progression, such determination is note~worthy!

Under the Canopy of Tree Leaves, We watch from afar, silently a-gasp, still in silence, We watch the March of Structured Beings not of this Place and Time.
We know of our Elements and call it Home. We know of our common companions, our neighbors and friends as they too know of Us, but we do not know of these proceeding Beings .

As the latter of the soft Earth rest back to the ground from which it had been disturbed, I slowly turned to my Clan, and gathering,
"There is to be a Great Declaration, a Meeting of Minds that must find agreement on Middle Ground, for this is the Time of Conviction, no longer will they be Unheard."
There was a rustling of agitated whispering among Us, for We had seen this before.
"Let us go to Assembly, We must Prepare."

My Clan in the Canopy, soared, swung, and jumped down through the Trees. Some of the Others galloped, some spun Merkaba, surely to be there first, some fluttered by humming a pleasant frequency as they passed, still others flickered in and out of vision, always appearing in different spaces, One never knew their pattern of movement. In times of play many of us would place bets, laughing at our poor presumptions. Few of us ever guessed their appearance correctly.
But now was time for serious discussion.

I walked to the Center of the Circle Assembly and looked around at all the myriad faces of all the myriad races. I prayed for our safety and peace.
I looked up to the Sky,
"Whence They Came, They must return, after their piece be shared, let them understand, this Land is Our Land, and no fight do We want, this is where we were born and where We belong."
An overwhelming Sound reverberated the Ground in agreement of the Circle.
"We shall commence the Peace Invincibility Ritual at the Moon's Peak, the Priesthood will lead in Prayer. We will send our wishes to their minds, so they shall know. If they be of Holy Heart, they shall comply. If they contain not a Soul of Peace, they will vie for fight. Life for Life, in death We shall not die, We stand forever to do what's Right."

The Story ends brightly, our family still be here, only visible to those with Clear Mind and Holy Heart. This be the only way We would remain safe in our World, now not our Own. That's fine by us, We know how to Share.
A Tale I Wrote to Share
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