Save yourself Shine a light on me Don't shed a tear On top of the hill
There is no wealth That I leave Nothing here An empty will
The dish and the spoon are on the lam The cow is now jumping Jupiter As the cat smashes his fiddle in a fit of frustration While the little dog sobs after being neutered
Satan's pointed horns and hairy hooves are turn-on's for some While coal miners stick their tongues out at gold miners Because they will soon produces diamonds They all laugh with the oil riggers and refiners
I admire Eeyore He never cries But stays grounded And has a great outlook
It's a crawl On the parkway An hour drive has turned into a day trip
You've just won a million dollars! What will you do next? Buy a new flashy, top self life So all the Looky Lou's will break their necks
I got shoes to fill Things to live up to People to face
Acorns and elder berries I've got nothing Can't think of a word
Baptized Conformed and organized Made illegal and criminalized The dollar bill remains idolized Until we all realize That everything is all wrong
I chill with rising suns And setting moons Hot and heavy winter nights Calm cool summer afternoons
Colonel Mustard did it in the library with a candle stick Because the pistol had no bullets
No harm done No fault but my own
Promises aren't broken The hope and faith put into them are