i am always amazed at how my convoluted mind works.
just read sverre,s title...
my cup runneth over....
and was instantly, catapulted, back to.... a sweltering, sunday morning. sitting on a slippery gloss painted bench...navy blue and white.... in my itchy lace collared dress....for best use only. singing, angelicly. the lord saved me (sign of cross, then hands pointing to the sky) i am as happy as can be (point to smiling face, then hands clapping) my cup's full and .....running over. (hands make cup,heels of palms together. then roll over each other.) my hands reiterating the words with the actions, (in brackets).
i would not have sung that gospel song, for more than thirty years...
my mind....is a funny thing but the memory is a happy one.
thank sverre...i think... it has now morphed into an earwig... i liked the whole poem sverre